Hey there! I’m Katelyn and I’m that “Achievably Extra” Mom. I’m married to my high school sweetheart and #1 supporter, Jimmy, and am a stay-at-home-mom to our three little girls! I became a SAHM the day schools shutdown due to the pandemic. To be honest, it was a huge transition going from the constant interaction and activity found in a third grade classroom to the undeniable feelings of isolation brought about by staying home.  While the endless baby snuggles are forever worth it, I knew I needed something to reignite that creative piece of myself that I was desperately missing. Not to mention, the awesome sense of community that can be found when moms come together on social media!

A Pop of You was originally born in September 2020 as a DIY/home decor account, but was soon put on the back burner due to severe symptoms from my second pregnancy and a temporary move across the country.  

After time, growth, constant learning, and dreaming, A Pop of You reemerged in a way that could not only fit, but enrich my life as a mom of three!  

This new mindset resulted in a new mission…

​Create a community for busy moms who value a little “extra” and share achievable activities, food, and tidbits for the whole family that can actually fit into already hectic days.  

I am so excited for you to be a part of this “achievably extra” mom community and follow along on this journey of growth and creativity! Let’s have some fun!

that “Achievably Extra” Mom

  • Former third-grade teacher turned stay-at-home mom of three
  • Masters in Elementary Education
  • Started A Pop of You during the pandemic for creativity and community
  • Evolved from DIY/home decor to achievable activities and family tips
  • Passionate about creating a community for busy moms

Followers Across Social

Hey there, brands who share A Pop of You’s passion for empowering parents!

I’m Katelyn, the mompreneur behind A Pop of You, and I’m on a mission to provide valuable content to parents. If you share a vision of empowering and inspiring families, let’s collaborate and create something truly special. With 150K+ dedicated followers on Instagram and growing, we can showcase your brand authentically and build meaningful connections. Let’s partner up and make a meaningful impact together!

A Pop of You originally launched in September 2020 as a home decor/DIY account. At that time, Roo was 11 months old and I had been a SAHM for 6 months. Going from elementary school teacher to a stay-at-home-mom was a big transition and I missed interacting with adults. But even more importantly, I needed a creative outlet. I needed something more than changing diapers and scheduling my life around naptime. Something just for me that I could do from home. However, I just couldn’t find my rhythm in the DIY niche. Plus, our family relocated to Hawaii temporarily for Jimmy’s job and I got pregnant (and unbelievably nauseous) with Mo. I couldn’t find a way to make it all work.

It always stayed on my heart though. I relaunched in August 2022, after 18 months of planning and refining my vision. A Pop of You became a motherhood account sharing toddler activities, fun food, home hacks, and daily life raising three kids ages 3 and under. Instead of going out of my way to find things to share, I started sharing things I was already doing at home. Creating activities for Roo was something I enjoyed doing each day, gave me a way to release some of my creative energy, tied into my teaching background, and was something I thought could add value to other moms’ lives. This account has become such a fun part of my life that I feel so fortunate to have. Thanks so much for being here!

When I was brainstorming names for my first home decor/DIY social media account, I was also opening an Etsy store that sold personalized wooden holiday decor. I wanted to highlight the shop’s emphasis on personalization all while somehow incorporating our daughter’s nickname. At the time, our oldest was our only child and Jimmy started calling her “Pop”. A Pop of You emphasizes the importance of adding what makes YOU happy into your daily life, no matter what it may be.

We try, but it doesn’t always happen. I use activities as a tool to get us through the day when emotions get big or we need a change in pace. I plan them week by week using a calendar that is attached to the back of one of our kitchen cabinets. Nothing fancy! The key is keeping the activities achievable. Simple set-up. Simple materials. Big impact!

Consistency is key! Find a niche that you’re passionate about and set a posting schedule that works for you. Then, stick to it! Show your face on stories. Let your audience get to know you. Additionally, share things that fit into your life. Don’t create content just for social media that you would never do otherwise. It ends up coming across as less authentic. Plus, what fun is that? Establishing a routine and accountability is important when building an engaged community. You want your audience to learn what to expect from you. Most importantly, don’t give up! Keep posting and ride the waves!

Roo and Mo are two of our daughters. Those are the nicknames we call them daily, so it seems completely authentic to us. We are still working on a nickname for our youngest baby (born in April 2023)! When Jimmy and I were planning this page long before I actually started posting, we agreed that keeping the girls behind the scenes was nonnegotiable. My account is public and it helps us sleep better at night knowing their privacy is protected.

I have a Master of Arts in Teaching degree and am currently licensed to teach grades PreK-6. I taught third grade for four years before having our first baby and ultimately deciding to stay home to raise our family. I feel so fortunate to have this community which allows me to use the creativity I once released in my classroom, all while taking care of my babies.