12-18 Month Toddler Activities

Playtime Fun: Supporting Your Toddler’s Growth and Development from 12-18 Months

At 12-18 months, your little one is growing and developing rapidly. They are starting to move around on their own, communicate more with you, and explore the world around them. During this stage, it’s important to provide your toddler with activities for 1-year-olds that support their growth and development. Our website offers a range of videos and guides for activities that help your toddler reach important developmental milestones such as language acquisition, fine and gross motor skills, and cognitive development. These activities not only encourage their physical and mental development but also provide a fun and engaging way for you to bond with your child. From sensory play to imaginative games, our collection of activities is designed to nurture your little one’s curiosity and support their overall development. So, come and explore our website to find exciting activities that will help your one-year-old learn and thrive!

12-18 Month Developmental Milestones: Motor, Language, And Cognition*

Motor Milestones
(12-18 months):
  • Crawling, standing, and taking first steps independently
  • Ability to climb stairs while holding onto support
  • Improved fine motor skills like picking up small objects with thumb and finger grasp
  • Attempting to feed themselves with a spoon or finger-feeding
  • Increasing coordination and balance during play activities
Language Milestones
(12-18 months):
  • Babbling and using simple words like “mama” and “dada”
  • Responding to simple instructions or commands
  • Recognizing familiar objects and people
  • Attempting to imitate words and sounds
  • Engaging in simple back-and-forth interactions through gestures or pointing
Cognition Milestones
(12-18 months):
  • Exploring objects through trial and error, such as putting objects into containers and taking them out
  • Beginning to understand cause and effect relationships
  • Developing object permanence (understanding that objects still exist even if they are out of sight)
  • Engaging in pretend play, imitating daily activities
  • Demonstrating increased curiosity and problem-solving skills in age-appropriate activities

Engaging in activities that promote fine motor skills is also beneficial. These activities help toddlers improve their hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and finger control. Whether it’s stacking blocks, playing with shape sorters, or simply scribbling with crayons, these experiences lay the foundation for future fine motor development.

Language development is another crucial aspect of a toddler’s growth. Around this age, they may be saying a few words and attempting to communicate their needs and desires. Encouraging their language skills can be as simple as talking to them, reading books, and singing songs together. It’s amazing to watch their vocabulary expand and their communication abilities flourish.

As their cognitive abilities blossom, toddlers love to explore cause-and-effect relationships. Activities that involve problem-solving and discovery are fantastic for stimulating their minds. Shape puzzles, simple matching games, and sensory play with various textures can captivate their attention while encouraging cognitive development.

Social interaction is also vital for their emotional and social growth. Playdates, visits to the park, and joining parent-child classes provide opportunities for toddlers to interact with their peers, learn to share, take turns, and develop empathy.

How Can You Foster Motor, Language, and Cognitive Milestones at this age?

Motor Milestones
(12-18 months):
  • Encourage independent movement, fine motor skills, and balance through activities like crawling, climbing, and practicing with utensils.
Language Milestones
(12 – 18 Months):
  • Foster early language development by engaging in conversations, reading, labeling objects, and encouraging imitation and communication attempts.
Cognition Milestones
(12-18 months):
  • Stimulate cognitive growth through exploration, problem-solving activities, demonstrating cause and effect relationships, promoting object permanence, and encouraging pretend play and puzzles.

Not sure how to do this?
Check out all my tips, Activities, & playful fun below!

Remember, the primary focus is to engage your one-year-old in activities that are age-appropriate, safe, and enjoyable. These activities foster their development while nurturing the bond between you and your little one. So go ahead, have fun, and create precious memories as you embark on this exciting journey together!

Water Painting

Ball Muffin Pan Fine Motor Activity

Sticky Rings

*It’s important to note that every child develops at their own pace, and there can be variations within the normal range. If you have any concerns about your child’s development, it’s always a good idea to consult with a pediatrician or healthcare professional.