6-12 Month Toddler Activities

Captivating and Stimulating Infant Activities for 6-12 Months: Nurturing Developmental Milestones and Building Precious Memories

Welcome to our guide on infant activities for 6-12 months! This is a wonderful age where your little one is beginning to explore the world around them with newfound curiosity and wonder. As your baby grows, it’s important to offer them stimulating and educational activities that support their development in various areas. In this guide, we’ll share a range of engaging activities specifically designed for this age group, helping to nurture their emerging skills and create cherished moments together. But before we dive into the activities, let’s take a quick look at the developmental milestones for 6-12-month-old infants.

6-12 Month Developmental Milestones: Motor, Language, And Cognition*

Motor Milestones
(6-12 months):
  • Developing better head control
  • Beginning to sit without support
  • Rolling over in both directions
  • Starting to crawl or scoot
  • Pulling up to stand
  • Grasping and releasing objects
Language Milestones
(6-12 months):
  • Babbling with consonant sounds (e.g., “bababa”)
  • Responding to their name
  • Understanding simple gestures (e.g., waving goodbye)
  • Trying to imitate sounds and gestures
  • Recognizing familiar faces and objects
Cognition Milestones
(6-12 months):
  • Exploring objects with hands and mouth
  • Understanding basic cause and effect (e.g., shaking a rattle to make noise)
  • Beginning to show object permanence (e.g., looking for a hidden toy)
  • Responding to simple directions (e.g., “come here”)
  • Showing interest in simple picture books

For infants aged 6-12 months, every day is a new adventure filled with exploration and discovery. Their emerging mobility is evident as they start to confidently crawl and cruise along furniture, taking their first steps with support. Their dexterity and creativity are on full display as they grasp and manipulate toys, building towers with blocks and scribbling with crayons. While these activities may create a bit of a mess, they are crucial for developing their fine motor skills and fostering independence, especially as they begin to feed themselves with a spoon or fork.

In terms of language development, infants at this age are like sponges, soaking up new words and sounds. They may not be speaking yet, but they are actively listening and trying to mimic the sounds they hear. They understand simple words and gestures and may even start to use a few words themselves. They are also beginning to understand simple instructions and can follow along with familiar routines.

Cognitively, infants are constantly exploring their surroundings and learning about the world around them. They are starting to recognize familiar objects and people and are learning about cause and effect. They enjoy playing simple games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake, which help them understand that actions have consequences. They are also starting to develop a sense of ownership and may become attached to certain objects or toys.

Socially, infants are becoming more aware of others and may start to show preferences for certain people. They enjoy interacting with their caregivers and may start to show empathy towards others. They are also beginning to understand the concept of sharing, although they may still be possessive of their toys. Overall, this is an exciting time of rapid growth and development for infants, and engaging them in age-appropriate activities can help support their development and strengthen the bond between caregiver and child.

How Can You Foster Motor, Language, and Cognitive Milestones at this age?

Motor Milestones
(6-12 months):
  • Provide tummy time to strengthen neck and back muscles.
  • Encourage reaching and grasping by offering toys within reach.
  • Create a safe space for crawling or scooting practice.
  • Use cushions or pillows for support during sitting practice.
  • Offer toys of different textures, shapes, and sizes to encourage exploration and manipulation.
  • Practice standing with support and encourage pulling up on furniture.
Language Milestones
(6-12 Months):
  • Talk to your baby often, describing your actions and the world around them.
  • Respond to your baby’s babbles and attempts at communication.
  • Read board books with simple pictures and textures for tactile exploration.
  • Sing songs and nursery rhymes to your baby.
  • Use gestures and facial expressions to enhance communication.
  • Repeat sounds and words to reinforce language development.
Cognition Milestones
(6-12 months):
  • Play peek-a-boo to develop object permanence.
  • Offer toys that make noise or have moving parts to explore cause and effect.
  • Provide opportunities for exploration and discovery, such as safe household objects for them to investigate.
  • Use simple toys like stacking cups or nesting toys to encourage problem-solving.
  • Engage in interactive games like pat-a-cake or itsy bitsy spider to promote memory and attention skills.
  • Rotate toys regularly to keep your baby engaged and interested.

Not sure how to do this?
Check out all my tips, Activities, & playful fun below!

Remember, the key is to engage your 6-12 month-olds in activities that are suitable for their age, ensuring they are safe and enjoyable. These activities not only support their development but also strengthen the bond between you and your baby. So, dive in, enjoy the moments, and create lasting memories as you embark on this wonderful journey together

High Chair Tape Pull


Sensory Scarf Play


Oil and Water Sensory Bag


*It’s important to note that every child develops at their own pace, and there can be variations within the normal range. If you have any concerns about your child’s development, it’s always a good idea to consult with a pediatrician or healthcare professional.